Living with Nature

Email Living with Nature

Living with Nature

Clear the area around your home to allow for maximum sunlight. This space will serve two purposes: providing energy for your home and creating a barrier from nature. A good-sized clearing of approximately 50 feet, with an additional 100 feet of fire-resistant landscaping, will keep your home safe during fire season and reduce bugs year-round. In nature, many animals and insects will seek refuge around your home. Most of them are harmless and non-destructive, but nuisance animals and insects need to be discouraged.

For insects, tile and hardwood flooring are recommended. If you want carpet, choose rugs that can be easily cleaned. Thick carpets and cluttered living spaces provide areas for insects to hide. Outside, keep weeds and brush away from your home. A gravel or impermeable surface around your home is recommended. Non-toxic products like Wondercide (a cedar-based insect repellent) can be used to discourage ants and spiders from entering your house.

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