Choosing Siding for Your Off-Grid Home
Siding is a very important decision for your off-grid home. The proper siding will look beautiful but also provide strength and resistance from the elements. You want a siding that is fire-resistant, durable, and attractive. This can be achieved with many exterior materials, such as hardwood, metal, cement, or plaster. For our home, we chose Ipe hardwood siding from Brazil. This wood is dense and feels more like brick or stone. Installing it takes some time and should be done by a professional, as all screw holes need to be pre-drilled. No matter which material you choose for your siding, remember to make it durable and resistant to the climate in your area.
Living with Nature
Clear the area around your home to allow for maximum sunlight. This space will serve two purposes: providing energy for your home and creating a barrier from nature.
Designing Your System
When choosing the right system for your off-grid home, there are many factors to keep in mind. How much energy do you need for your family?
Choosing your building site
One of the most important aspects of your Off Grid experience is the building site you choose. You want a site that has lots of sun and is free from over head vegetation.
Living off-grid
When you live off-grid, you have a special feeling of independence. For those of
us looking to lower our carbon footprint or to have control over our own
electricity, it is a lifestyle worth embracing. This lifestyle had always intrigued me.
House Design
For our home, we opted for a single-level 1488-square-foot house built with 2 x 6
construction. The 2 x 6 walls add more insulation than 2 x 4 walls, keeping your
home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.
Insulation is your friend
A well-insulated home will keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
We designed our home with 2 x 6 walls sheeted with 3/4-inch plywood. Per fire
code, we added a layer of drywall and then applied our hardwood siding.
Having a plan B (Generator)
Off-the-grid living teaches you to have a series of backup plans in case something goes wrong. Proper planning for potential problems creates success when the
time comes.